This is a
contest to reward you for what you're already doing, and to help keep you
motivated and/or encourage you to be the healthiest YOU that you can be! Here
is how it’s going to work:
The competition will be three 30 day phases. Drop out or join for any 30 days you want. Of course participating for all three phases gives you a better chance to win money ;). The three phases are as follows. When you sign up for a phase you will be in for that entire four weeks. The last phase the Sunday before Thanksgiving!!
The competition will be three 30 day phases. Drop out or join for any 30 days you want. Of course participating for all three phases gives you a better chance to win money ;). The three phases are as follows. When you sign up for a phase you will be in for that entire four weeks. The last phase the Sunday before Thanksgiving!!
1: Tuesday, September 3rd-Sunday, September 29th
2: Monday, September 30th-Sunday, October 27th
3: Monday, October 28th-Sunday, November 24th
Each participant will be accountable for results in TWO categories:
1.) Total Percentage of Weight Lost. You will need to weigh in once per week. You will need to use the same scale, and weigh in at the same day/time each week. ex: Every Sunday at 9am. Email the results to me every Sunday night by 8pm PST (LA time).
2.) Total
time spent exercising. You will need to track the minutes you spend
working out each day. Most physical activity counts, as long
as it’s something you can honestly say is exercise. For example, Walking the
dog counts, but carrying laundry upstairs does not. If you have any questions
about what counts and what doesn't, ask!
Each Sunday you will report your weight and minutes exercised stats to me, NO LATER than 8pm pst. All of the stats will be kept in total confidence. At no time will your name or personal information be released during the challenge. The stat rankings will be posted weekly to a closed facebook so you can see how you are doing. I will participate as well, but I will not be eligible to win a prize.
Your weekly stats email will look like this:
Name: Corinne Felton
Weight: 190lbs
Minutes Exercised: 350
3.) Door Prize: In addition to the 2 categories, one participant will be selected at random through a raffle drawing for a "door prize". The prize will be announced later. Throughout the three phases there will be "mini-challenges" posted at random and participants can choose to do a mini-challenge to earn extra entries for the door prize raffle. The mini-challenges will be surprises and different every time. For example, one day I might ask participants to jog a flight of stairs outdoors and take a photo, and on another day walk to the top of a hill where there is a tree and take a photo. Each mini-challenge earns you more chances to win the door prize package.
Each Sunday you will report your weight and minutes exercised stats to me, NO LATER than 8pm pst. All of the stats will be kept in total confidence. At no time will your name or personal information be released during the challenge. The stat rankings will be posted weekly to a closed facebook so you can see how you are doing. I will participate as well, but I will not be eligible to win a prize.
Your weekly stats email will look like this:
Name: Corinne Felton
Weight: 190lbs
Minutes Exercised: 350
3.) Door Prize: In addition to the 2 categories, one participant will be selected at random through a raffle drawing for a "door prize". The prize will be announced later. Throughout the three phases there will be "mini-challenges" posted at random and participants can choose to do a mini-challenge to earn extra entries for the door prize raffle. The mini-challenges will be surprises and different every time. For example, one day I might ask participants to jog a flight of stairs outdoors and take a photo, and on another day walk to the top of a hill where there is a tree and take a photo. Each mini-challenge earns you more chances to win the door prize package.
Person who enters will get a free gift for joining the competition. Which includes:
to Fit Champ wristband to keep you motivated
journal for the length of the competition you entered
samples of some of my favorite workout supplements. To get you going!!
**Some of which will be given as door prizes (full size for door
To enter send an email with your name, age, and preferred method of contact letting me know that you’re interested.
The fee for each 30 day phase is $10.00 to participate. If you want to do all three phases for a full 90 day it is $30.00. That is less money than most people spend on coffee or fast food in a week, and much less expensive than a personal trainer for 90 days! You can send the entry fee via USPS if you like, but it must be a check or money order. NO CASH! I don't want to be responsible for lost cash! I am also accepting PayPal payments if you prefer, as it is secure and you are protected through the PayPal guarantee! The funds will be held in a secure paypal account until the winners are announced.
Take a (few) BEFORE photos of yourself. One from the front, one from the side, and one from the back. If you feel comfortable, do it in a bathing suit, or shorts and a sports bra. You can keep this to yourself if you like, but you should do it!
The first round of stats will need to be submitted to me no later than
Phase 1: Sunday September 1st
2: Sunday, October 27th
3: Sunday, November 24th
will begin week one.
Everything is being done on the honor system! Let’s keep it clean, fun, and honest!
and what you've really been waiting for...
A Prize will be awarded for EACH CATEGORY. That means there will be at least 2 winners! The amounts will be determined by the amount of participation. The goal is to get 20 people so that we have a lot of participation in the group and a lot more money to win. If we have an odd amount, one person will be randomly selected to receive a refund of their entry fee at the end of the competition. Only those who report all of their weekly stats ON TIME will be eligible for prizes. The prize system goes as follows. Please note only $7.50 of your entry fee will be going towards the pot. The other $2.50 will help pay for shipping and handling of your FREE GIFT!! Also remember these are the prizes if we get 20 people to participate. They will be smaller if we don’t reach our 20 person goal so share with your friends, your family, your neighbor…whomever so we can hit our goal!
Everything is being done on the honor system! Let’s keep it clean, fun, and honest!
and what you've really been waiting for...
A Prize will be awarded for EACH CATEGORY. That means there will be at least 2 winners! The amounts will be determined by the amount of participation. The goal is to get 20 people so that we have a lot of participation in the group and a lot more money to win. If we have an odd amount, one person will be randomly selected to receive a refund of their entry fee at the end of the competition. Only those who report all of their weekly stats ON TIME will be eligible for prizes. The prize system goes as follows. Please note only $7.50 of your entry fee will be going towards the pot. The other $2.50 will help pay for shipping and handling of your FREE GIFT!! Also remember these are the prizes if we get 20 people to participate. They will be smaller if we don’t reach our 20 person goal so share with your friends, your family, your neighbor…whomever so we can hit our goal!
$150 Prize Money
$150 Prize Money
$150 Prize Money
$50 Greatest Weight Lost %
$50 Greatest Weight Lost %
$50 Greatest Weight Lost %
$50 Most Minutes Worked Out
$50 Most Minutes Worked Out
$50 Most Minutes Worked Out
$50 from each phase will go to the
GRAND PRIZE for those who compete in the full 90 days!!!
$150.00 to the Greatest Weight Loss %
If you work super hard
you could win the whole thing folks!! That’s $300!!!
Q. Who
can participate in the competition?
A. Anyone
guys and girls who pays their entry fee.
Q. Why
are there three 30 day phases?
A. Because I
know some people will only want to join us for 30 days. It also gives people the flexibility to try
it out for one month before committing to another 30 days. It helps spread the $30 out too if you want
to pay in $10 increments.
Q. Can you win
more than once?
A. Yes, you
can win each of the phases and if you signed up for all 3 months you can win
the grand prize too. If you only sign up
for one month you are not eligible to win the grand prize of $150 but you could
still win one of the categories for the month you signed up for. The same person cannot win for both
categories in the month. Example: Jane Doe
worked out the most minutes and lost the most weight loss % in phase 1. She cannot win the most weight loss % for
phase 1 and the most minutes worked out.
The next person who worked out the second most minutes would be awarded
that prize.