FIT CHAMP Competition

What is the FIT CHAMP Competition?
This is a contest to reward you for what you're already doing, and to help keep you motivated and/or encourage you to be the healthiest YOU that you can be! Everyone pays an entry fee and the money is pooled together for ca$h prizes (YES! I said CA$H)! Here is how it’s going to work:

The competition happens twice a year and is three months long.  Drop out or join for any 30 days you want.  Of course participating for all three months gives you a better chance to win money ;).  When you sign up for a month you will be in for that entire four weeks.  

What you get for signing up:
*Secret Facebook accountability group
*Door Prizes
*Nutrition Guidance
*Workout Program (only if you need can follow any workout you want)
*Discounts on suggested supplements

Take a (few) BEFORE photos of yourself.  One from the front, one from the side, and one from the back. If you feel comfortable, do it in a bathing suit, or shorts and a sports bra. You can keep this to yourself if you like, but you should do it! 

What the FIT CHAMP Competition is NOT?
A revenue generator.  I do not make any money off of this competition!  In prior competitions I have actually used my own money to supply the door prizes.

Still not sure about it....check out our testimonials.

THE CONTEST: Each participant will be accountable for results in TWO categories:

1.) Total Percentage of Weight Lost. You will need to weigh in once per week. You will need to use the same scale, and weigh in at the same day/time each week. ex: Every Sunday at 9am. Email the results to me every Sunday night by 8pm PST (LA time). 

2.) Total Activity Points. You will need to track your workout activity in our tracking app. You earn points for the activities you do and not all activities earn equal activity points. The person with the most physical activity points at the end of the month wins. 

Everything is being done on the honor system! Let’s keep it clean, fun, and honest!

Each Sunday you will report your weight and have all activity logged into our tacking app, NO LATER than 8pm PST. All of the stats will be kept in total confidence. At no time will your name or personal information be released during the challenge. The stat rankings will be posted weekly to a closed facebook so you can see how you are doing. I will participate as well, but I will not be eligible to win a prize.

Your weekly stats email will look like this:

Name: Corinne Felton
Weight: 190lbs
Minutes Exercised: 350

3.) Door Prize: In addition to the 2 categories, one participant will be selected at random through a raffle drawing for a "door prize". The prize will be announced later. Throughout the three phases there will be "mini-challenges" posted at random and participants can choose to do a mini-challenge to earn entries for the door prize raffle. The mini-challenges will be surprises and different every time. For example, one day I might ask participants to jog a flight of stairs outdoors and take a photo, and on another day walk to the top of a hill where there is a tree and take a photo. Each mini-challenge earns you chances to win the door prize package.

How Much Does it Cost? The fee for each 30 day phase is $10.00 to participate. If you want to do all three phases for a full 90 days it is $30.00.  That is less money than most people spend on coffee or fast food in a week, and much less expensive than a personal trainer for 90 days! I only accept PayPal payments, as it is secure and you are protected through the PayPal guarantee! The funds will be held in a secure paypal account until the winners are announced.

Go to to pay your entry fee. Each Person who enters will get a free gift for joining the competition. Which includes:
  • Fatty to Fit Champ wristband to keep you motivated (only for signing up all 3 months)
  • Workout journal for the length of the competition you entered
  • Free samples of some of my favorite workout supplements.  To get you going!! (only for signing up all 3 months)
and what you've really been waiting for...

THE PRIZES: A Prize will be awarded for EACH CATEGORY. That means there will be at least 2 winners! The amounts will be determined by the amount of participation.  Only those who report all of their weekly stats ON TIME will be eligible for prizes. The prize system goes as follows. Please remember these are the prizes if we get 20 people to participate.  They will be smaller if we don’t reach our 20 person goal so share with your friends, your family, your neighbor…whomever so we can hit our goal!

Month 1
$50 Greatest % of Weight Lost
$50 Most Activity

Month 2
$50 Greatest % of Weight Lost
$50 Most Activity

Month 3
$50 Greatest % of Weight Lost
$50 Most Activity

90 Day FIT CHAMP Competition CHAMPIONS
$100 Greatest % of Weight Lost
$100 Most Activity

*The remaining $100 is used to attain door prizes and mail door prizes

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