Wednesday, June 12, 2013

New Options for the Fatty to Fit Champ Challengers

It has been a super long time since I have last posted.  I realized the other day, I really need to give this blog some TLC.  When I started this journey it was all about the blog not much about Facebook and it kind of flip flopped.

I am excited to announce today that I am loosening up the criteria for my challenge groups.  Prior I required you to either purchase a challenge pack or be on Shakeology every day.  Well when I got into this business, yes it was about making money, but it was also about helping people too.  I want to open up the doors to help more people. 

**If you want to be in a challenge group I am only requiring you be on the Beachbody Meal Replacement Shake.  Why am I still requiring it?  Well because I want to make sure if I am COMMITTED to you that YOU are COMMITTED to at least one healthy meal a day.

I will still stand behind Shakeology as a product.  I have done some research on some websites that compare meal replacement shakes.  These sites have NO affiliation with any products and Shakeology is in the top 5 among all of them and the Beachbody programs still speak for themselves on how awesome they are. 

The combination of Shakeology and a Beachbody program is still going to get you the BEST results and the Challenge Pack is still the best value for your buck.  However, times are tough right now and I don't want to limit someone who really wants to get healthy just because of their budget.

To make this simple I have put a side by side comparison of the challenge group options:

My next challenge starts July 1st J.  Are you in?