Wednesday, October 10, 2012

So Lets Get Started

Over at you can get a daily dose of motivation.  They have some great pics that really speak to me.  I am gonna start us off at the beginning and since there are over 700 of them we are gonna need to do a couple a day. 

Next lets make some goals.  You need to know where you are going before you can get there.  The end goal (for right now) is to compete in a bikini competition.  How long will it take to get there?  That's what I need to find out.  There is no better way to motivate than to register and put money up.  So I am off to do some research for that one. 

In the meantime..let's start with something small.  I remember when I did Weight Watchers they would give you a goal of 10% of your current weight.  Ok well that's 18 pounds for me.  Shit 18 pounds!  This is becoming more real with ever sentence I type.  Let's dissect this to something even smaller..5 pounds.  The suggestion for healthy weight loss is 1-2 pounds per week.  So lets say 3 weeks. 


Action items are what we use at work to make steps in the right direction for us to make our year end goals.  So my action items are as follows...

Stop Drinking-As you read yesterday my drinking is becoming a problem and drinking and weight loss really don't mix.  I am a social drinker on the weekends and after work during the work week you can almost always find me with a glass of wine to unwind after work. 

So this weekend I am attending a beer, wine and wing festival.  I am going to drink and have fun and Monday I begin no drinking.  I know some of you are reading this and saying you have heard this before from me.  Well you would be correct, you have.  However, where I have failed in the past I still need to have hope that I can be successful.  Fear of failing again is not going to get me any closer to my goals.  I appreciate all of your support with every failed attempt you, my family and friends were always supportive when I came up with a new plan. Mom...get ready becasue Monday we begin.

Drop 10 lbs or More in 21 Days-The fall 2009 Off the Couch issue featured a quick start guide to help you gain momentum in your weight loss.  If you stay strict and get in touch with your militant side you can lose 10 pounds or more.  The meal plan is below in case you want to follow.  You need to drink your weight in ounces of water.  So if you weigh 150 you need to drink 150oz of water a day.

Check back tomorrow for my progress...

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